Thursday, March 25, 2021

Sexy movies

 Recently, I watched a movie on Prime video and felt appalled by the blatant sex scenes, nudity and profanity.

            I never considered myself a prude but I couldn’t believe how the actors allowed themselves to be photographed a la inflagrante and to indulge in graphic sex for the camera. They also spiced up their dialogue with copious expletives. The screen writers used wicked prose as nouns, verbs, adjectives and anywhere else  they fancied. I’ve always thought that if you have to resort to profanity then you exhibit a very limited vocabulary.

            I remember the movie “Giant” when married Rock Hudson and Elizabeth Taylor had an argument, he went into the spare bedroom and threw his hat on the bed. Elizabeth tried to coax him back to their bed while he stood in the doorway grumbling. The camera focused on his hat in the spare room as music played and the window went from night to sunrise and his hat remained on the undisturbed spare bed. You didn’t have to have it graphically spelled out. You knew.

One of the sexiest movie scenes I’ve seen was Burt Lancaster and Deborah Kerr kissing on the beach as the surf rolled over them. Sid Caesar and Imogene Coca did a parody of that famous “From Here to Eternity” scene. They sat on the beach as someone threw buckets of water on them. So funny!

Call me an old fogey; it’s ok. I am old. I’m entitled.


Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Mary and the Beanstalk



Some time ago I moved a yucca plant from the entry walkway to the front yard. It  grew too big for the narrow area next to the path. It seems to like its new location because it tripled in size. Then in March I noticed a spike pushing up from the roots. Within three days it grew twice as big. I’ve had this plant for at least fifteen years and it never grew a spike before. I took a picture of it. I asked family and neighbors if they knew what kind of plant I had. No one recognized it.

            My yard man said he thought the spike would grow to six feet before it bent over on itself and reached the ground.

            “It blooms with small purple flowers,” he said

            Sure enough, I noticed tiny buds lining the spike. Each day I check the progress. In one week it swelled from three feet high to six feet, then eight feet and then it reached at least ten or twelve feet. It shows no sign of bending to the ground. And the flowers are yellow, not purple. I wonder if someone came during the night and planted some magic beans in the roots.

            One neighbor said it may be a “century plant”. I looked it up on the internet and Wikipedia said it could grow as high as 26 feet. Sometimes I think I can hear it say “Look at what I can do!”

When my yard man comes again, I’ll ask him “What now? Do I let it surge upward to the sky?” Maybe I can climb it someday.