Sunday, January 3, 2021

my next flight

I received this from my friend Sarah who got it from her twin Carley
...Author unknown. 

FLIGHT 2021,  boarding now!  
Welcome to Flight 2021.

We are prepared to take off into the New Year.

Please make sure your Positive Attitude and Gratitude are secured and locked in the upright position.

All self-destruct devices; pity, anger, selfishness and resentment should be turned off at this time. All negativity, hurt and discouragement should be put away.

Should you lose your positive Attitude under pressure during this flight, reach up and pull down a prayer.

Prayers will automatically be activated by Faith. Once your Faith is activated, you can assist other passengers who are of little faith.

There will BE NO BAGGAGE allowed on this flight.

Captain “THE UNIVERSE”  has cleared us for take-off.

Wishing you a New Year filled with LOVE, JOY & GRACE 



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