Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Growing Old Together

When I first got my dog Prissy in 2010, the vet guessed her age at five or six years. I looked her in the eye and said, “OK little girl, we’ll grow old together.”

Since eight years have passed, I think our ages have grown closer. Recently, I’ve noticed that we have developed some of the same habits. When we lie down, we let out a little grunt; and sigh at the end of a yawn. Prissy snores when she sleeps. I don’t think I snore but sometimes I wake myself up with a snort, especially when I roll over onto my back.

She has developed numerous adenomas (small flesh colored growths) over several areas of her body. I have the same small bumps, and they itch. The vet had to remove them from Prissy because she scratches and bites them and makes them bleed. I have a little more self-restraint and can treat them with creams, lotions and such.

When we take a walk, Prissy tends to favor one of her hind legs. It’s a subluxation of the knee due to age/arthritis.  She has a little skip in her gait. It’s on the same side as my ankle fusion. I tend to limp a little on that side too. Our stride has slowed down as well.

When I first adopted her, she had a pure white coat. Now it looks a little more faded and the color has mutated to beige. My former beige/blond locks have faded and march on to pure white. I’ve also noticed some dark “age spots” on Prissy’s skin. Guess who else has them.

Both our digestions have become delicate…enough said about that.

So, as I predicted, we have grown old together. What’s ahead for us?…Depends!

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