Mary Fahey
Recently, I found
myself thinking about water. Although it takes many outward forms of clouds, rain,
snow, mist, fog, streams, rivers and oceans, it still remains water. The
chemical properties of all are H2O. Does
the fog say to the ocean, “I am different from you. We are not the same”? Does
the snow think it is better than rain because it has more volume? The cloud
becomes rain or snow. The rain falls, the snow melts and becomes a stream. The stream
becomes a river and all flows to the sea. Water evaporates and becomes clouds
and the process starts over again. All water returns to its source.
Like water, our individual
forms take on different outward appearances; but our communal human spirit
remains one. And like water, when our life on earth is finished, we will all
return to our source - the oneness that we are.