Tuesday, November 7, 2017

November Holidays

Three American holidays fall in November. On Election Day, always the first Tuesday of that month, we exercise our privilege to vote for our representatives and leaders on the local, state and national levels. When George Washington handed over the reins of the presidency to John Adams, the kingdoms of the world watched.  Never before had anyone peacefully transferred leadership to another without nepotism, bloodshed or devious plots. Soon other countries followed the U.S. example.
Veterans Day Backgrounds - Wallpaper Cave
            The second holiday, Veterans Day, we honor our men and women of the military, both past and present. Originally called Armistice Day and celebrated every November 11th, it commemorated the end of World War One “the war to end all wars”. We have seen multiple wars since, and now pay tribute to all veterans.
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            Then comes Thanksgiving, this year on the 23rd when we demonstrate our gratitude for the many blessings in our lives. It always falls on the fourth Thursday of November, but in 1939 FDR moved it to the third Thursday. He did it at the behest of merchants who depended on the public’s penchant to Christmas shop after Thanksgiving. Extra shopping days helped business during the Great Depression. People put up such an outcry that Congress returned it to its rightful place three years later.

            I’ve tried to think of a way to combine these three holidays and came up with this-

“We elect to honor our veterans by giving thanks”.

So let us be thankful for our democratic free society, even if we disagree with some of its policies; and give thanks for our military who put their lives on the line to insure our liberties; and thank God for the abundance in our lives. “My cup runneth over”.
...Mary Fahey