Wednesday, March 29, 2017

My mini miracle

My mentor, confidant, and best friend for my entire life had been my sister Dorothy. Before she died in 2009, Dorothy gave me a small gold charm in the likeness of an angel.
              I hung it from a gold chain around my neck and never took it off. When my doctor ordered a chest x ray, my arthritic fingers couldn’t unhook the clasp. The technician undid it for me. After I got home I put a magnetic clasp on the chain making it easy to take on and off.
              On Saturday March 18, as I undressed for bed, I realized the charm and chain no longer sat on my chest. I thought perhaps it became unhooked as I pulled my shirt over my head. I searched my bedroom and didn’t find it. Then I searched the house, the car and the garage. No luck. It had vanished.
             I sat down and went over the day’s events in my mind. I remembered that when I walked my dog, I scratched my neck and caught my finger nail in the chain. Maybe that’s when it became loose and fell to the ground. I thought about going out to look for it with a flashlight but vetoed that idea and set my alarm for early Sunday morning.
          The next day I retraced my steps and said a prayer asking the Divine Spirit, if I am to find it, to please guide my way. I also implored my sister’s spirit to help me. I searched twice on Sunday and twice on Monday, going over the same terrain with the same negative results. Someone must have found it before me.
               I said another prayer and asked the Divine to bless the person who found it and may she wear it with joy. I hoped that it brings her as much comfort as it brought me. 
             Then I asked for help to release my attachment to it: to let it go with love. I don’t need a pendant to remind me of my sister. Her spirit lives in my heart.
          On Tuesday, three days after I lost it and one day after I gave up hope, something caught my eye as I walked my dog. There it sat on the lush lawn next to the sidewalk. The charm and chain lay spread across the grass as if a jeweler’s hand had displayed it on green velvet. I had passed and searched that spot for days and didn’t find it. How could it suddenly appear? Then I realized that as soon as I released it, I found it. I was blind to it for as long as I desired it. But relinquishing attachment, enabled me to perceive it.   
As it says in the bible, “and the blind will see.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
If I wasn’t a believer before, I am now.

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